Pour le Français: Mise-à-jour EZYcount 2.12.2019
Diese Nachricht auf Deutsch: Update EZYcount 2.12.2019 - DE
On December 2, 2019, the following features will be modified:
- Complete redesign of the account statement including Excel and PDF exports.
- It is now possible to select a range of accounts to select booking from one account to another.
- If the account accepts foreign currency, two new columns describing the amount in the foreign currency are shown.
- Changing the automatic names of exported files for greater clarity.
- Translation of the status column
- The dates are now in the format usual in Switzerland day.month.year
- Alignment to the right of the columns with amounts for easy reading
- All amounts are in format with thousands separators and .00 for cents.
- When exporting from Excel, all figures are in a numerical format, which makes calculations and analyses faster and easier.
- Change in the order of the columns for easier reading.
- Improvement of the information available during automatic import from the Banque Cantonale du Valais.
- When creating an EZYcount account, you now have automatic access to EZYinvoice with the same username and password.
- Update of the link with the Federal Tax Administration for the import of currency rates into EZYcount.
- Technical improvement of the EZYcount and EZY invoice servers.
Next update will be on January 6, 2020.
For any returns, write below or send an email directly to support@ezycount.ch