Update EZYcount 2.12.2019 - EN

Pour le Français: Mise-à-jour EZYcount 2.12.2019
Diese Nachricht auf Deutsch: Update EZYcount 2.12.2019 - DE

On December 2, 2019, the following features will be modified:

  1. Complete redesign of the account statement including Excel and PDF exports.
  • It is now possible to select a range of accounts to select booking from one account to another.
  • If the account accepts foreign currency, two new columns describing the amount in the foreign currency are shown.
  • Changing the automatic names of exported files for greater clarity.
  • Translation of the status column
  • The dates are now in the format usual in Switzerland day.month.year
  • Alignment to the right of the columns with amounts for easy reading
  • All amounts are in format with thousands separators and .00 for cents.
  • When exporting from Excel, all figures are in a numerical format, which makes calculations and analyses faster and easier.
  • Change in the order of the columns for easier reading.
  1. Improvement of the information available during automatic import from the Banque Cantonale du Valais.
  2. When creating an EZYcount account, you now have automatic access to EZYinvoice with the same username and password.
  3. Update of the link with the Federal Tax Administration for the import of currency rates into EZYcount.
  4. Technical improvement of the EZYcount and EZY invoice servers.

Next update will be on January 6, 2020.

For any returns, write below or send an email directly to support@ezycount.ch